
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Now on Netflix: Missrepresentation

If you want to know why society still needs feminism, just watch Missrepresentation. This documentary does a terrific job of explaining how  women are still ignored and objectified by the media. Women are also grossly under-represented in politics and face sexist attitudes should they dare to run for office.  This isn't just a women's issue, sexism harms us all.

I heard about this movie over a year ago and was very pleased that it is now available on Netflix for instant watch. I would recommend it to everyone.  Here is the official trailer on YouTube.

This movie does not blame men but rather explores some causes of our fixation on women's appearances instead of accomplishments. Weakened FCC regulations, profit driven programming and a vocal fear of empowered women are some of the culprits.  As a society, the freedom of speech is being used by media to perpetuate many negatives, including violence against women.

Fortunately as consumers  we also have freedom of speech. We are free to turn off the TV or change the channel. We also have the freedom not to purchase products that degrade women. We are blessed with an unprecedented bounty of media and consumer choices. We can send a message if we just pay attention. 

I invite viewers to "out" the worse offenders here. If something strikes you as offensive in it's portrayal of women or ridiculous in its lack of legitimate female roles, please list it in the comments as well as any better alternatives.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Stop Slut-shaming Miley Cyrus

Apparently Miley Cyrus had a shocking and somewhat sexual performance last night at the VMA's. I don't have cable, so I didn't get to see her performance live but thanks to the numerous facebook rants and raves with pictures I got the picture. 

We all have values and personal morals when it comes how we view ourselves and how we want the world to see us. Miley Cyrus is no exception. She has been undergoing a transformation over the past couple of years. While I think she made her performance overtly sexual, I believe she was intending to shock the crowd. She doesn't want people to see her as "Hannah Montana" or Billy Ray Cyrus' daughter either. She wants the world to think of her as an adult. Several female child stars go through a transitional phase when they become adults. The media and rabid fans love to obsess over the details and they certainly love to watch these young women fail. Look at Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan and Amanda Bynes--their names have been plastered all over the media for being crazy. Male celebrities can get a bad rep too (Charlie Sheen, Mel Gibson) but they usually aren't hated for it or shamed for it. 

I don't care what celebrities do, but I do take offense when people troll them shamelessly on the internet. Slut-shaming Miley Cyrus won't make you look like an angel, it just makes you look old fashioned and judgmental. Funny how people are quick to judge Miley but don't say anything about Robin Thicke who willingly participated in her dancing even though he is married with kids. What type of values is he promoting? Adultery?

Miley's behavior is not that much different than many young women her age are doing in bars and clubs. Go to any college town on Friday or Saturday night--you will not be disappointed. People still have a problem with women's sexuality, most particularly that of young women. It is such a shocker to think that Miley Cyrus might like having sex? Or any other young women, celebrity or not for that matter. 

Stop the slut-shaming, really.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

My response to "This Is What REAL Feminism Looks Like"

Link to the Article.

While the author, Danielle Campoamor had many points, her main strategy of using the "REAL" bias, almost eliminates any validity she has, because it implies prejudice. Everyone is real. Every type of feminism is real. There is nothing that makes someone more real than they next person or any belief/thought process more real than the next.

So this was my response:

For Men; How to understand, acknowledge and challenge Male Privilege.

What is Male Privilege?

For some great examples of Male Privilege, click here.

Other types of privilege include:

  • White
  • Heterosexual
  • Christian
  • Class
  • Cisgender
  • Able Bodied      

How do we Acknowledge and Challenge Male Privilege?

  1. Admit that Male Privilege exists and that as a man, you have benefited from it.
  2. Examine how you have personally benefited from this system.
  3. Examine and change the language you use daily. 
  4. Think about your position in accordance to women, and how if they were in your position would things change?
  5. Become a Feminist. Support Women's Rights and Read from Feminist Literature and Magazines.
  6. Be supportive of the women in your life.
  7. Think of your masculinity in non gender specific roles and put your own personal spin on it.
  8. Be an example to the other men you know; help them understand their male privilege.
  9. Stop sexism when you see it.
  10. Read this article to understand how you can do more to challenge male privilege.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Lewis' Law and a shout out to Buzzfeed for compiling this awesome list.

Lewis' Law is an eponymous law coined by journalist, Helen Lewis (via her Twitter) in August of 2012.

This is an important term for feminism because many people believe there is no need for feminism now. Helen Lewis' phrase accurately captures one reason why we still need feminism and she is exactly right. Many times I have encountered internet trolls posting all types of misogynistic bullshit, for example:

So if you ever encounter some anti-woman/anti-feminism comments on an article, you can just cite Lewis' Law.

On another note, thank you Buzzfeed for further promoting pro-women articles and renewing my faith in humanity.

Check the article out here:

Kinda reminds me of the reasoning behind Lewis' Law, hmmmm....

Friday, July 12, 2013

Don't Poison Yourself: Hating Other Women by Slut Shaming

These images popped up in my Facebook news-feed today:

I find both of these images troublesome. Let's dissect them. 

1. First image: This image implies that because someone got a belly-button piercing, it means that they have a smelly vagina from being sexually active with many men and/or women.  It also implies that the woman is uncleanly. 
2. Second image: The purpose of this image is to shame other women for wearing short-shorts and therefore exposing more skin in a private area. It also implies that the women is a slut.

Why is this so bad?

The type of slut shaming portrayed here is eerily similar to fat shaming. I think people should be able to wear whatever they want as long as they are not hurting others in the process. Judging someone based off their choice of piercings or attire is just like any other type of discrimination. This can be even worse because of the social stigma around slut shaming. Slut shaming is just an aspect of woman hating. Woman hating can poison your viewpoint on the world. Being so judgmental closes your mind to more abstract thoughts.

What is slut shaming?

Where does woman hate stem from?

How do we stop this?
  1. Realize that hating the other woman has nothing to do with her actual personality or worth as a person. Know that the hate you are feeling comes from competition or jealousy. Just because she might wear something you'd never consider or decides to have more sexual partners or different sexual practices than you, doesn't make her a bad person or someone to hate. 
  2. Understand that this hate also comes from personal insecurity and personal hate. Work on loving yourself for who you are.
  3. Try being friends with her, instead of hating her. Most likely you have a lot in common and she probably suffering from woman hate, just like you.
  4. Accept everyone for who they are. We don't like others to stand in our way, why would we stand in theirs? All women should support other women in their personal endeavors. 
  5. And as Tina Fey put it...

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Props to Sarah Slamen for being a badass and 10 reasons to be Pro-Choice.

If you haven't seen the video of Sarah Slamen destroying the Texas Legislature go check it out:

She is gutsy and keeps her cool the whole time--even when she is forcibly removed from the situation.

The war on Women's Reproductive Rights is an important one. What's happening in Texas could be just the beginning of a sweep of bills designed to restrict access to abortion clinics, limit birth control availability and other aspects of women's healthcare. Texas State Senators Wendy Davis and Leticia Van De Putte are becoming modern day heroines in the fight to stop those bills from passing. In honor of their persistence and dedication, I am going to post the reasons why you and everyone else should be pro-choice.

1. Pro-CHOICE. The terminology fights for all sides of the coin. You can choose to have an abortion or not to, it's that simple.

2. It puts women in control of their fertility. Bearing children should always be a choice, not a burden.

3. Making abortions illegal won't stop them from happening. Women will still have abortions; they will be by people who are not qualified for the procedure and they will be done in non-sterile environment. This puts the women at risk for infection, hemorrhaging and even death.

4. Even women who practice safe sex (use of condoms or birth control) can become pregnant since no method is 100% accurate. Why should they not have a choice when they were being responsible.

5. Because more babies will be born into poverty, broken and unloving homes. Please tell me how that is better than abortions? Anyway the Donohue-Levitt hypothesis contributes the reduction of crime in the early nineties as an attribute to Roe vs. Wade being passed in 1973.

6. If a woman is raped or a victim of incest, she should never be forced to carry out that pregnancy. Ever. Seriously, how cruel is that?

7. Because most Pro-Lifers based their viewpoints on religious ideology, which should never be the basis for a law. The first amendment guarantees all USA citizens freedom to practice religion and freedom from it.

8. Because the majority of people who are trying to make laws constricting abortion are people who can never have one, i.e. MEN. Apparently these "Gynoticians" know more about making decisions about women's bodies then they do.

9.  Because if you truly don't like abortion, the best way to stop it is the promotion of safe sex practices (contraception) and mandatory sex education.

10. Because allowing the government to make decisions on what types of healthcare procedures you get is preposterous. Would you allow them to decide whether or not you needed a blood transfusion? I don't think so.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Thank you, Chelsea Newman for submitting to Thought Catalog

I just want to a give a shout out to Chelsea Newman for submitting this piece to Thought Catalog.

It is similar to my piece and a good read. I suggest you also read the comments--to me they are a prim indicator of how sexism still exists and how warped people view the world. Just because sexism isn't as bad as genocide or starving children doesn't mean it's not a problem. These are the same people who say her type of feminism is like #firstworldprobs or #whitegirlprobs. So what if they are? Don't we all deserve to have a good quality of life? I think so.


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Feminazi? No.

Whenever I mention to someone that I am a feminist, I get this type of  reaction. People automatically assume that I hate men, want to skew power so women are dominant and then have to audacity to ask if I'm the "Feminazi" type.

My answer to that is, really? Just because I want equal rights for women (among other things) doesn't give you the privilege to equal me to being a Nazi. Feminism and feminists have nothing to do with Nazism.

Feminism is really just about gaining equal rights and freedoms for women. Its about changing how people see and perceive women. Because women, just as much as any man, should always have all the options available to her.

Friday, June 21, 2013

As a preface

We need feminism because:

1. Women still make less money than men despite having equivalent experience and education. The wage gap is even bigger for women of color. 

2. Gender stereotypes still exist. If you walk down any toy aisle, your eyes will be assaulted with an array of pepto-bismal pink girl's toys (kitchen sets, vacuums, dolls).

3. Women are judged for their sexual habits. If you don't have sex, you're a prude and if you enjoy sex and have many partners, you're a slut. Things are black and white--there is no in between. 

4. Rape culture exists and nobody seems to take it seriously. Rape apologists in the media, rampant victim blaming, teaching young girls what not to wear/drink/do late at night, change letters warning women about "dangerous" men who are hiding in the backseat of their car.

5. Because all women are critiqued on their looks, all the time. Kim Kardashian was shamed several times for gaining weight, even though she was pregnant. 

6. Because the majority of popular films fail the Bechdel test. 1. Does it have two named female characters. 2. Do they talk to each other. 3. They must talk about something else besides a man. 

7. Because if I don't get married/have kids by the time I'm 35, I'll be considered a social outcast.

8. Because I will be criticized if I ever make a decision to travel alone. Berated for even considering doing it outside the USA. Especially after what happened to Natalie Holloway and Amanda Knox. 

9. Because many guys say "Nice guys always get friend-zoned". Just because you're are nice and FRIENDLY, doesn't mean you are entitled to have sex with me. It just makes you a jerk.

10. Because women get sexually harassed everyday. Catcalls, groping and other tendencies are just creepy and invasive. If we were interested, we'd say so.

11. Because women have to choose between a family and a career--because society feels there is no way that we can have "it all". Notice men never get asked this question.

12. Because people use the phrase "Boys will be boys". They use this as an excuse for aggressive and mean behavior. This leads to boys never learning, "no means no", later on.

13. Because society expects women to shave their legs and armpit and if we don't we are considered dirty. If a man doesn't shave his face, the worst he can be called is rough or homely.

These are some of the many reasons why We Need Feminism