
Friday, June 21, 2013

As a preface

We need feminism because:

1. Women still make less money than men despite having equivalent experience and education. The wage gap is even bigger for women of color. 

2. Gender stereotypes still exist. If you walk down any toy aisle, your eyes will be assaulted with an array of pepto-bismal pink girl's toys (kitchen sets, vacuums, dolls).

3. Women are judged for their sexual habits. If you don't have sex, you're a prude and if you enjoy sex and have many partners, you're a slut. Things are black and white--there is no in between. 

4. Rape culture exists and nobody seems to take it seriously. Rape apologists in the media, rampant victim blaming, teaching young girls what not to wear/drink/do late at night, change letters warning women about "dangerous" men who are hiding in the backseat of their car.

5. Because all women are critiqued on their looks, all the time. Kim Kardashian was shamed several times for gaining weight, even though she was pregnant. 

6. Because the majority of popular films fail the Bechdel test. 1. Does it have two named female characters. 2. Do they talk to each other. 3. They must talk about something else besides a man. 

7. Because if I don't get married/have kids by the time I'm 35, I'll be considered a social outcast.

8. Because I will be criticized if I ever make a decision to travel alone. Berated for even considering doing it outside the USA. Especially after what happened to Natalie Holloway and Amanda Knox. 

9. Because many guys say "Nice guys always get friend-zoned". Just because you're are nice and FRIENDLY, doesn't mean you are entitled to have sex with me. It just makes you a jerk.

10. Because women get sexually harassed everyday. Catcalls, groping and other tendencies are just creepy and invasive. If we were interested, we'd say so.

11. Because women have to choose between a family and a career--because society feels there is no way that we can have "it all". Notice men never get asked this question.

12. Because people use the phrase "Boys will be boys". They use this as an excuse for aggressive and mean behavior. This leads to boys never learning, "no means no", later on.

13. Because society expects women to shave their legs and armpit and if we don't we are considered dirty. If a man doesn't shave his face, the worst he can be called is rough or homely.

These are some of the many reasons why We Need Feminism

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