
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Now on Netflix: Missrepresentation

If you want to know why society still needs feminism, just watch Missrepresentation. This documentary does a terrific job of explaining how  women are still ignored and objectified by the media. Women are also grossly under-represented in politics and face sexist attitudes should they dare to run for office.  This isn't just a women's issue, sexism harms us all.

I heard about this movie over a year ago and was very pleased that it is now available on Netflix for instant watch. I would recommend it to everyone.  Here is the official trailer on YouTube.

This movie does not blame men but rather explores some causes of our fixation on women's appearances instead of accomplishments. Weakened FCC regulations, profit driven programming and a vocal fear of empowered women are some of the culprits.  As a society, the freedom of speech is being used by media to perpetuate many negatives, including violence against women.

Fortunately as consumers  we also have freedom of speech. We are free to turn off the TV or change the channel. We also have the freedom not to purchase products that degrade women. We are blessed with an unprecedented bounty of media and consumer choices. We can send a message if we just pay attention. 

I invite viewers to "out" the worse offenders here. If something strikes you as offensive in it's portrayal of women or ridiculous in its lack of legitimate female roles, please list it in the comments as well as any better alternatives.

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